Key features

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Key features

General features:

1.Automatic position assignment of trades

2.Automatically assign long or short trades

3.Tagging trades to identify strategies

4.Adding note to every trade

5.Hidden trade functionality - trades which are not sorted into positions

6.Automatic total equity generation based on historical prices


Graphical interface:

1.Advanced graphical interface with docking model

2.3D charts with a lot of shading modes

3.Hierarchical grid with sorting, group summaries and column reordering.

4.A new position view similar to a Gantt chart.



1.One click import support for clients of Interactive Brokers

2.Several file based import module.

3.Support manual trade input


Portfolio management:

1.Multiple view for trades, positions and open positions

2.Download last price with historical data providers to view unrealized profits

3.Calculating leverage according to open positions amount

4.Diversification charts

5.Compare your portfolio to benchmarks

6.Risk analysis


Trade and position accounting:

1.Advanced filtering functionality. You can filter positions by date, ticker, trade type (stock, future, etc.), long or short, currency and tags.

2.Storing data for total equity value and cash transactions (broker and data provider fees, dividend, interest paid and received)

3.Adding modifiers(dividend, payment in lieu of dividend, interest etc.) to positions for better view of real profit or loss

4.Handling trades in foreign currency with conversion rate

5.Conversion rate download from our server.



1.Performance report. Wide report including a lot of performance metrics. Winning and losing positions, winning and losing percentage, average profit and loss, gross profit and loss, max consecutive wins and losses all for long and short positions.

2.Total equity chart with benchmarks

3.Equity gain or loss chart with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly resolutions

4.Leverage chart

5.P&L cumulative chart

6.P&L distribution chart

7.P&L time distribution chart

8.Diversification charts. Scales open positions to each other and to total equity

9.Time distribution chart of open positions

10.Drawdown chart based on total equity

11.Risk analysis

12.R-Multiple distribution

13.R-Multiple cumulative report



1.Capital gains report.